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At Argyle Lake Lodge we offer fall bear hunting. Fall hunting is an excellent bear hunt based on our previous success rates. The hunts are all conducted from ground blinds over active bear baits. Hunters are welcome to bring their own portable tree stands if so desired. Freezing and assistance in the preparation of bear for transportation is provided free of charge.
Learn more about being
Bear Wise
at the following link.
Ministry of Natural Resources
Argyle Lake is located in Wildlife Management area #29, which has an excellent reputation with bow and rifle hunters. Our unique drive-in bush location allows us to offer one of the better opportunities for moose hunting in the area. With numerous roads and bush trails surrounding the camp you are only minutes away from potential hunt sites. Wildlife Management Unit #29 has a separate and distinct season for bow hunters.
Read more about
Moose Hunting Opportunities in Ontario
at the following link.
Ministry of Natural Resources
Photo courtesy of Wayne Frayer.
Not only are there some excellent bear and moose hunting in our area, but the opportunity also exists for snowshoe hare, ruffed grouse and spruce grouse hunting. Why not join us this year and give it a shot.
Photo courtesy of Wayne
Download the
Ontario Hunting Regulations
at the following link.
Ministry of Natural Resources